Monday, November 30, 2009

Up for Air :0)

Ssseeeewwwww...It feels like I have been holding my breath for months and FINALLY I came up for air. Have you ever felt like you were outside of your body, watching yourself instead of feeling and living? Well, it's kinda interesting. On one hand you learn ALOT. You realize some of the amazing and not so great things about yourself....Growth. But if you don't be can become overwhelming...Lost.
Good thing for me...I was built Ford tough! And I have fined tuned my goals!! Yeahhhh...LOL.

I wont be put into a box...there are sooo many things I want to do and I will try them all!!

Entreprenuer + Entertainer + Writer + Hip Hop Extraordinaire = Me (hey why not??)

Watch out nah

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I spilled red juice on my white carpet. I know your thinking ok, so what. Normally, I would have just cleaned it up and went about my day, but not today. Today, I sat there on the floor and I cried. Im not sure of the reason, maybe it’s because I feel all alone in this big city. Maybe its because I have been praying for a new gig and still have not gotten one. Maybe its because Im single. Maybe this, Maybe that. But for a moment, I lost it. When I came to my senses I finally got up and grab the Resolve and a rag and tried to clean up my mess, but it was very difficult to remove the stain. In life we all make mistakes that stain our lives, our personality, our spirit. Some u can’t just wipe up so easily. Some of your mistakes require heavy duty cleaning.
Today I will clean up my mistakes and embrace my new journey, red juice and all.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Who Am I???


Saturday, October 10, 2009


I have been trying to lose the same 20 (well now 25) lbs for ummm...hell I dont even remember anymore. It all starts when I go shopping and can't fit into something that I really want. I get mad, maybe cry, then vowel to lose the weight (Repeat) Well I saw this picture a few weeks ago and it reminded me that size doesn't matter. I will be comfortable in the skin that Im in.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Heart Trey Songz!!

Me, Trey, and the Best Buy Fiasco

Excitement filled the air as what seemed like hundreds of fans patiently waited outside of the Best Buy to get a glimpse of Trey Songz. At 4pm, the line was already wrapped around the building, two hours before the scheduled appearance. Thanks to my new friends at Best Buy, I had the chance to get up close and personal, well up close, lol. When he finally arrived I was in awe. I must have the thanked the Lord at least five times for creating such a beautiful man. I heart Trey Songz!! Anyway, Trey’s new album “IM READY” is just as sexy as him. The first track warns you that “this right here’s a panty dropper.” Needless to say, this album will have you running bath water and making breakfast in the morning, cheese omelets and all. LOL :-)

Friday, September 4, 2009

For the Love or Money??

Im an inner city girl. I grew up in a "not-so-fancy" neighborhood. My mom was a single parent that worked miracles to raise my brother and I. Im saying all this to say, I know the struggle and yes I know how it feels to want more for your life. Yesterday, I was listening to the radio and the show's topic was "Should women marry for money?" My answer is uh...NO.
I did some research and discovered that 40% of marriages end in divorce, and the primary cause was because of financial issues. So one would think it is smart to marry someone and not have to worry about how the bills will get paid. But what happens when your love for all things shiny and designer is the only common interest that you and your husband share?? DIVORCE.
The show referenced a new book called "Smart Girls Marry Money:How Women Have been Duped into the Romantic Dream-and How they're paying for it." I have yet to read this book, I will soon. Anyway, it's a self-help guide that authors Daniela Drake and Elizabeth Ford wrote to advise women not to marry for just love.  
There are certain qualities that I enjoy in a partner. His smile (warm and inviting). His scent (sweet yet strong). Our conversation (open and honest). Am I comfortable being myself around him? Does he make me laugh? (that is a What type of personality does he have (intelligent, outgoing, and  friendly)? Yes! Yes! Yes! These are the things that I want, and if he just so happens to be financially well off, that's a plus.
Now, the inner wanna-be "rich girl" deep inside of me is screaming "you're such a hypocrite!!" I must admit that being spoiled and enjoying luxarious things, is my guilty pleasure. I do desire to one day live that lifestyle. But I will not compromise that warm, gitty feeling that I get inside when Im in love for a Gucci bag.
Because we all know that life is not always written in black and's the gray area. I would like my partner to be financially savvy and ambitious. Someone who is not lazy and puts fourth an effort to enhance his finances. If he is not there yet, so be it. We will grow and build together.
When that day comes, and Im standing in front of God and the people that I love most, I want be able to enter into a union with my best friend, not a ATM Machine.
What do u think?