Friday, August 13, 2010

Fail VS Try (Fail is kicking my ass) LOL Attempt #2

OK my previous post I declared to blog 21 days straight...needless to say...I failed. My uncle once told me that NOTHING BEATS A FAIL BUT A TRY. So here I am again....WATCH YOUR BACK FAIL, YOU WILL BE DEFEATED!!! LOL.

Anyway...I need to be completely honest for a sec. Bare with me as I try to make sense of everything going thru my brain.

I have been extremely blessed with many talents. I am the type of women who can cook dinner, plan and design a party (within minutes might I add), all while sewing in my girlfriends weave *wink*. Sometimes I feel like being multi-talented is a curse. I'm indecisive...sometimes unfocused. Before I know it, years have gone by and I haven't accomplished any of the 5-10 things that I started. I am a jack of all trades...master of none.

At work...I sit in a cubicle (which is like a mental prison for someone with an overactive brain). But I came up with yet another almost impossible business journey. I had no choice but to laugh at myself because I have no clue where these ideas come from. I had to call my godmother on this one (she always set me straight)

"Keyaira, you have to choose!!" These are the words that she repeated, over and over and over again.

Now I'm not a very religious person...I'm more spiritual. Well...that's another part of my life that I can apply the JUST CHOOSE motto (but that's a whooollleeee notha post, which may be coming soon because I had a very  interesting conversation with a Jehovah's Witness the other day) Back to my point.

I heard something. I felt different. (I don't know if it was God or I am really schizophrenic) lol

But these words came to mind...."TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN, MUCH IS REQUIRED"

This is my choice.

I choose to have outstanding work ethic. I will let my work speak for itself.

I choose to be fearless. I will not be afraid to face challenges. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

I choose to take chances, to get up and brush myself off when I fall down, to not limit the possibilities that life has to offer, to love and embrace my live.

Thanks Godmommy.

Soundtrack for this post...Pink's MISUNDERSTOOD

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